Forums - Why does Japan OWN USA in Street Fighter 3:3rd Strike? Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Why does Japan OWN USA in Street Fighter 3:3rd Strike? ( Posted by Evil Gill on 05:02:2001 06:53 AM: If this has been poste before, forgive me. Im new here. But Im just curious. I have watched SF3 videos of Hsien and Mopreme and they seem pretty good. I can't really imagine someone being like twice as good as what I saw in those vidoeo's, but I could be wrong. But really what separates the Japanese from Americans in this game? Do they parry like god's? What is their style? And are their any videos of them kicking US's ass I can download? Posted by omni on 05:02:2001 07:42 AM: Because we suck. Derek Daniels Posted by Evil Gill on 05:02:2001 07:56 AM: correct me if im wrong, but haven't the japanese for the most part been superior to the Americans in just about all the street fighter 2 and 3 games? saying we suck is kind of a harsh term...and probably not an accurate one either. Seriously, are american's just to busy playing "who can pull off the super combo first game- MvC2"? I look at these tournement results of "Team USA" getting stomped in SF3, but ruling in MvC2. If you say Team USA sucks then maybe we should get some real Street fighters on this team. you know? Posted by True_Cell on 05:02:2001 08:07 AM: Well a lot of people say that the reason why the japanese own us in 3rd Strike is because of the following reasons: a.3rd Strike is waaaaay more popular in Japan b.gaming in general is not looked down upon in their culture. c.Japan is approximately the size of California and they are a lot of arcades their with competition for 3rd Stirke 24/7. There were other reasons but i forgot someone would will explain it better than i have. Posted by CykoClops on 05:02:2001 10:12 AM: Evil Gill, USA plays MvC2 alot more, it's alot more popular. in Japan it's all 3rd strike. i play mvc2 alot more than 3rd strike coz i dun have 3s on my DC i like both games, once i get 3s i'll be playing more of that than mvc2 tho coz i wanna practice parrying so i can whoop my friends ass Posted by HyperViperSniper on 05:02:2001 10:49 AM: this has been answered a million times...seriously @ this point who gives a flying fuck...??? 3rd Strike isnt going to be in any major tourneys anyway.. get over it.. HVS Posted by Wil Power on 05:02:2001 11:08 AM: Reason why Japan > USA in 3S is very simple... Japan is just better in the game! Nuff said, GAME OVER! Posted by DrunkinB on 05:02:2001 11:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by omni Because we suck. The answer is right their! Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 05:02:2001 12:57 PM: US still has a lot to learn about 3rd Strike ....and it is in the Midwest tourney, which is a MAJOR TOURNAMENT. Posted by Gaseous Snake on 05:02:2001 01:30 PM: Super Turbo is the only true test of skill. All other tournament games are worthless. Posted by EDDIE WILLIAMS on 05:02:2001 06:12 PM: Japan, China, Korea, etc. martial arts is a popular thing culturaly. 3s is about fighting, parring, counters, and skill. Not alot of strats and traps. U.S. players complain to much about 3s "theres no strats the game is just unpredictable..." I think that was our down fall. ew Posted by ShinEFF on 05:02:2001 06:15 PM: Because most americans play MasherVsCapcom.. So when they go to play a game with more stratagy then "who can pull off the supercombo first" THEY GET FLOGGED. Posted by mirage on 05:02:2001 07:08 PM: once again, HVS has to be a complete asshole and wrong with his "facts".... quote: Originally posted by HyperViperSniper this has been answered a million times...seriously @ this point who gives a flying fuck...??? The guy has already said, "If this has been poste before, forgive me. Im new here." The last thread posted about this topic is actually many pagse back, and the search engine is unrefined - I don't blame him for not being able to dig it up - especially since, as he has said, he's new here. Also, he brings up a specific point, "Do they parry like god's? What is their style" - he is genuinely interested in LEARNING how to play better. So what do you do? As usual you post NOTHING of use to anyone; you choose to act like the l33t p0st3r and waste space. quote: 3rd Strike isnt going to be in any major tourneys anyway.. As usual, facts all wrong. It's not going to be at B5. Is that the only major tourney? Once again HyperViper chokes with his foot down his throat. quote: get over it... HVS No, you get over it. You were exposed by everyone for the fraudulent wannabe know-it-all you really are in white's "Japan will take MVC2" thread, so what do you do - you never respond to the thread after starting shit and being proven wrong by just about everyone, dissapear for a couple of days, and come back when you think it's safe to bash a newbie... and i seriously doubt you could answer Evil Gill's question: "But really what separates the Japanese from Americans in this game? Do they parry like gods? What is their style?" Go ahead, surprise us that you can give a thorough analysis of why the Japanese were able to circumvent the Americans...not the already stated problems of local competition or "execution", but actual stylistic analysis - what did Hsien and Mopreme do wrong? what did the Japanese do right? If you cant answer this question, then you really shouldn't have posted in the first place...but that goes for a lot of people. But most importantly, you shouldn't have been so arrogant/flamed. Nobody else took your kind of attitude to this thread. Posted by nex2me on 05:02:2001 09:49 PM: Well lets look at the real reason.... Imagine, if you will, that you could play the best in the country on a daily basis. (US is where we are talking about for this example) Playing the best in the country in A3, 3rd, MvC2, and ST. If you were a die hard player and took the time to learn from them theri mistakes, played them....blah, blah blah. Your skills would by far reach "tournament" status. But understand that 50% of playing in a tournament in mental toughness. Team Japan players live all of about 1/2 hour away from each other. How many people can say that they have played the top player in the US on a monthly basis or otherwise? Not too many if any. I have a little beef with that ranking that they had in the back of the tips and tricks ranking for the US. I would like to know whow they came up with those rankings? Was it from B4 or some ranking by how many tournaments the individuals have one? Once there is a solid network that can support fighting games across the country on a daily basis.........can you imagine if everyont had T3 lines going into the houses or arcades.... Posted by Apoc on 05:02:2001 09:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShinEFF Because most americans play MasherVsCapcom.. So when they go to play a game with more stratagy then "who can pull off the supercombo first" THEY GET FLOGGED. Um...not to dis but MVC2 has many kinds of's not the button masher-short-infinite game vs. games used to be. This isn't 3-4 years ago. Apoc. Posted by EDDIE WILLIAMS on 05:02:2001 10:02 PM: I wish U.S. supported the network for the fighting game catagories. Playing the best daily will be so much funner. Posted by omni on 05:02:2001 10:08 PM: Okay, this is what it basically boils down to: America doesn't really play 3s outside of a few specific regions. The majority of the public doesn't like the game. The game is very slow, not conducive to people who are just picking up the game (wtf does Tenshin Kyaku mean to the average person?), nor did it very good distribution. A lot of arcade operators didn't want to buy cps3 boards cause SF3 is the only game basically on it. You factor all this in combined with the fact that MvC1 was one of the most popular Capcom titles of all time - which resulted in MvC2 being a sure fire hit, it's not surprising that americans play MvC2 more than SF3. And for those who think MvC2 has less strategy than 3s - really need to open their eyes and quit being so biased and see what is going on. The game is nothing but zoning, traps, rushdown, etc. So much more going on than in an average 3s game. I like both games, but more people play mvc2 than any other game at the moment, so i might as well enjoy competition than playing against the cpu. Derek Daniels Posted by Evil Gill on 05:02:2001 10:10 PM: Not to be rude, but for once, could we not compare SF3 to MvC2? = ) Nex2Me brings up some good points though, about the japanese players living in such close quarters to each other that they get to constantly play the best, and thus, improve their skills on a much faster basis then the americans. This seems like a valid logical point. For instance, where I live - Lincoln, Nebraska - we don't have an arcade anymore in this city. So I have to drive up to Omaha which is an hour away. I can only make it up there once a weekend. But everytime I go it is so worth it. Because the competition is fierce. And I feel my game improves better each time I make the trip. There is actually a tournement this sunday in SF3. I have never entered a tournement before in SF, but I have always been looked upon by my peers as being a shotokan guru. Posted by TS on 05:03:2001 12:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShinEFF Because most americans play MasherVsCapcom.. So when they go to play a game with more stratagy then "who can pull off the supercombo first" THEY GET FLOGGED. Omni all ready responded to this, sort of. But I'd just like to comment on how 3S is really the only game we were "flogged" in. A3 was a solid loss (at least going by the final numbers), but we were pretty damn close in ST, and I think everyone here knows about MvC2. Or are you saying that SSF2T is just super combo fest with no strategy? Unlike 3S... And stop bitching about MvC2, because you don't know what you're talking about. Posted by el_diablo on 05:03:2001 12:45 AM: sorry y'all but i'm a street fighter 3 player(all, but especially the 2nd impact) and i got one thing to say.... STREET FIGHTER 3 IS FULL OF STRATS!!!! it is not umpredictable.... it's a mind game.... you got to make your foe do what you want.... it's all about not making a mistake... by the way, when you do a mistake in SF3, the punishment is not as harsh as in MvsC2... in SF3 it's all about prediction.... you got to be ready for everything.... it's like a chess game.... yuo do a bad move that your opponent has predicted??? sorry for your face!! in MvsC2, you can runaway, set your trap, and it's over..... don't get me wrong.... i like the 2 games.... but i think that MvsC2 is too much about traps and chipping for being a really attractive game... Posted by el_diablo on 05:03:2001 12:48 AM: whoops, forget the conclusion... i thinks japs won because they can "manipulate" street 3 players better than anywhere else..... they make you do what they want you to do.... AND THAT'S FU..... ANNOYING!!! Posted by Evil Gill on 05:03:2001 02:58 AM: I would love to get ahold of some video's of japan owning US. anyone know where to find them at? Posted by L337Shizumaru on 05:03:2001 04:41 AM: Japanese own Americans because their players are much more attractive looking and so are the women! just kidding...or not. Posted by TS on 05:03:2001 08:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by el_diablo in MvsC2, you can runaway, set your trap, and it's over..... No, it isn't. This seems to be the main complaint people have about the game, but it's not a very valid one. Or a very correct one, anyway. Posted by CykoClops on 05:03:2001 11:02 AM: 3s is more like a real fight, japs are more interested in that. mvc2 is more based on the marvel comics, alot of yanks watch and read x-men. Posted by el_diablo on 05:03:2001 11:32 PM: quote: No, it isn't. This seems to be the main complaint people have about the game, but it's not a very valid one. Or a very correct one, anyway. everybody knows that MvsC2 is all about traps.... and you're sayin' me that it's not?????? well we got a problem here..... Posted by TS on 05:04:2001 12:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by el_diablo everybody knows that MvsC2 is all about traps.... and you're sayin' me that it's not?????? well we got a problem here..... Indeed we do. MvC2 has it's fair share of traps, but you act like blocking a Doom assist means that you take 100% damage from doing so. If you mess up a trap, it won't take much for you to lose the point character, and in some cases the assist. No trap is unbeatable, and all runaway is beatable. And this isn't even taking individual skill into account (I can beat some guys at a local arcade with Team Shoto even though they might be using Strider/Doom/BH or Storm/Cable/Cyke...why?). And I have yet to see the Capcom fighter that doesn't have traps. Posted by el_diablo on 05:04:2001 12:18 AM: street fighter 3 doesn't have traps....... it got strats which is different.... Posted by TS on 05:04:2001 12:24 AM: Ignoring "robot Chun," which from what I understand is basically a walking trap, throw out some strats. Posted by TRIEUMINATOR on 05:04:2001 12:32 AM: simply put it, the japanese dominate in that game as we dominate them in MvC2. it's just that each country doesn't play the game they suck in much and there isn't interest to do so. forget about the strategy stuff, because it's all about how much competition there is out there with each game. none exist for the u.s. with SF3; likewise, the japanese don't have enough competition with MVC2. if they plan to bring iron man in as their saviour, they're gonna get destroyed, because he's technically a weak character if you play keep away against him. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:41 AM. 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